Quiet & Update a Dell MD1200/MD1220 Drive Array

How to Quiet Down (and Update) a Dell MD1200/MD1220 Drive Array #

Written: 02/27/25
PROMPT: Your Dell MD1200/MD1220 drive array is too loud and you want to be able to sleep.

Resources: #

This excellent thread, featuring Fohdeesha
^^ If you need to flash any Dell 12th gen PERC RAID cards then I highly recommend Fohdeesha’s Crossflashing Guide

Prerequisites: #

  • Have a Dell MD1200 or MD1220
    • Note: You can essentially convert any Dell storage array (SC200, PS6100, etc.) that accepts this form factor of EMM to an MD12xx by installing a 3DJRJ EMM. Be that as it may, I have not tested anything besides the MD1200 and MD1220.
  • Have a Dell MN657 (Password Reset Cable)
    • You could also setup some jumpers, as Fohdeesha does in the thread linked above.

Notes: #

  • This ‘fix’ only keeps for as long as the unit stays powered. If you lose power to the device, you will need to reconnect to the device and run the commands again. I personally do not mind this, as my drive arrays are on a UPS, however if this is a dealbreaker, this may not be the solution you are looking for.

Steps: #

  1. Plug your password reset cable to either of the EMMs and use the following config to connect:
    • Speed: 38400
    • Data bits: 8
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Parity: None
    • Flow Control: XON/XOFF
  2. Press enter a few times and you should be greeted with a shell that will either say BlueDress.10X.000 or RedDress.10X.000 where BlueDress is MD1200 and RedDress is MD1220.
    • Note: if you press the up arrow the devils command will autofill. Run it and you will be given a list of all commands.
  3. Run _ver to get your version number (also the X number in the prompt). If you are not running on version 106, you will need to update.
    1. To update, we will need ExtraPuTTY, which can be downloaded here (I have no idea if Tera Term has fixed their xmodem issues, so I would stick to using ExtraPuTTY)
    2. We will also need the latest firmware from Dell. Here is the extracted .bin from the windows installer. If you want it download it directly from Dell, here is the link.
      • If you download from the Dell website because you like getting files from the source, DO NOT download the file found in the big green box at the top of the page. Instead you need to expand the “Available formats” and download the Windows X64 executable. Open the application, click extract, then navigate to the extracted location. (By default C:\ProgramData\Dell\Firmware\3W1PG\payload) Notice how the actual binary is 262KB. This is totally not how I bricked an EMM lol.
    3. Disconnect from your other session if you haven’t already and re-connect using ExtraPuTTY with the same settings used before. Ensure you see the shell session by pressing enter a few times.
    4. You will have 60 seconds to start sending the firmware via an xmodem transfer from when you issue the following command. To send the firmware, you click File Transfer -> Xmodem -> Send -> browse to the firmware. DO NOT select “Xmodem 1K”
    5. Run the command _boot then send the firmware via xmodem transfer through the steps above.
    6. Once the transfer is complete, the EMM will restart and the prompt should now reflect the version update. Run _ver to confirm.
    7. You may notice that the health indicator of the other EMM is now flashing orange. This is expected, we now need to complete the same process for the other EMM. ExtraPuTTY makes our live easier, simply click “Hangup”, move the password reset cable, then click “Restart Session”.
    8. Press enter to ensure that you are connected and you should see the old version of the firmware now reappear at the prompt. Run through the _boot update sequence again until this EMM is also on version 106.
  4. Run the command set_speed 10. Notice how the chassis will slow down the fans, but after a few seconds it will speed back up.
  5. Great. Now not including the time you ran the command above, press the up arrow, then enter, in rapid succession, five times in a row.
    • Your shell should look like this:
    BlueDress.106.000 >set_speed 10
    BlueDress.106.000 >set_speed 10
    BlueDress.106.000 >set_speed 10
    BlueDress.106.000 >set_speed 10
    BlueDress.106.000 >set_speed 10
    BlueDress.106.000 >
  6. Notice how the chassis will slow down the fans. :)